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You will need:

  • 4 Fresh Buxton trout

  • 250ml white wine

  • 2 gloves garlic - sliced

  • 2 bay leaves

  • 125g flour

  • 16 pieces of proscuitto

  • 125ml olive oil

  • 100g butter

  • 1 lemon

  • ½ cup flat-leaf parsley - chopped


Serves 4-6



  1. Make Marinate - wine, garlic, bay leaves, salt & pepper

  2. Place trout in the marinade for at least ½ hour

  3. Remove from marinade, dry trout on kitchen paper, and sprinkle with the flour

  4. Reserve a cup marinade & set aside

  5. Wrap the trout in proscuitto, overlapping as you go



  1. Heat the oil & half the butter in a pan until it ripples

  2. Reduce to a medium heat then add the trout and cook for 4 minutes each side or until the proscuitto is crispy, then remove from pan.

  3. Leave about 2 tablespoons of residue in the pan

  4. Add the remaining butter, reserved marinade, juice of 1 lemon & the parsley

  5. Boil for a few minutes, reduce by half

  6. Pour over the fish & serve on a Bean Salad, Mash, Rice or Polenta

Thanks to Jackie Ashe from Deliciously Jackie

Portuguese Style Trout

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